Amusing Search Queries

February 14, 2011 at 12:00 am 2 comments

Here at Literary Transgressions, we take active pride and amusement in the searches that lead people to our humble shores. This week, I’d like to present some of the very finest accompanied by what I hope are some helpful answers. If you have a question that I haven’t answered or a personal search term I’ve (unintentionally, I promise!) ignored, definitely comment below!

Search term: fun facts about authors
Margaret Atwood is also an amateur cartoonist! Fun!

Search term: summary of a greek myth fairytale for children
Well, my dear, you seem to be mixing your genres here: I doubt anyone would refer to Greek myths as fairy tales unless your idea of “happily ever after” involves being carried off by a god transformed into a bull or being impregnated by a god transformed into a shower of gold or being in any other way violated by a god transformed into a myriad of other forms. The moral here: Zeus gets around like whoa. Watch out, ladies.

Search term: what is april halls mom doing egypt game
Good question! She’s off being an singer/actress with her “manager”/lover, Nick. See also: abandoning your child, being a terrible mother, and self-absorption.

Search term: lt s fairy february
Great idea! We should have a whole month dedicated to fairies! Love it!

Search term: what is voltair arguing in candide
In short, he argues against the idea that we live in the best of all possible worlds (as propagated by Gottfried Leibniz). More info and some spirited LT debate here.

Search term: facts about february 8
Jules Verne‘s birthday!

Search term: john fowles the french lieutenant’s woman summary
Very quickly: Upright Victorian gentleman Charles Smithson encounters an unusual and entrancing woman named Sarah whilst out for a walk in the country with his terribly-named fiancee, Ernestina. He at first attempts to ignore his own attraction to Sarah but is ultimately unable to do so and struggles with what he should do with himself. The book has three endings which I won’t spoil for you here, but Wikipedia really is aces for this sort of thing.

Search term: transgression in the picture of dorian gray
I believe the point is that all his transgressions are in the portrait, not just one! Among his various transgressions, however, I believe he disgracefully abandons a woman (causing her to commit suicide), is generally involved in Parisian debauchery, does drugs (gasp!), and kills a man. Any and all of these would be reflected in the picture of Dorian Gray.

Did I miss your query? Sound off below!


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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Natalie  |  February 14, 2011 at 12:51 am

    ” The moral here: Zeus gets around like whoa.” made me snort and then burst into giggles.

    • 2. Corey  |  February 14, 2011 at 2:37 am

      Mission accomplished! : D


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